On the deck: Sizzling Summer Grilled Pizza

There is no doubt that we all love pizza. If you haven’t had the chance to try a grilled pizza, this month you’re lucky and about to fall in love with pizza again. The grill gives a super light and crispy dough. One of each of the vegetables will be enough for 3-4 pizzas for you. So everyone wins with this one.

Summer time is about grilling and spending time outside, so the first is first.

On the deck: Sizzling Summer Grilled Pizza


Type of recipe: Pizza

  • (3) 8-ounce dough balls
  • Goat cheese
  • 1 large zucchini
  • 1 large yellow squash
  • 1 red pepper (toasted)
  • Pesto Vinaigrette
  • Dill
  1. Turn on your grill and preheat to medium/high heat.
  2. The preparation is very easy … After all, it’s summer time. You need to cut zucchini and squash on a cutter or mandolin, then place flat on a plate and drizzle olive oil over and season with salt and pepper. Add zucchini and squash to the grill and fry on both sides. Return to the plate when you’re done cooking.
  3. For the pestovinaigrette, use 2 packed cups of fresh basil, 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil, a pinch of red pepper and 2 tablespoons vinegar. I like champagne vinegar for this, but all you like will do – and a pressure on a quarter of lemon to keep the pesto nice and green and light.
  4. Blend together for 1 to 2 minutes and add more oil if your pesto looks too dry.
  5. When you finish blending, empty it in a bowl and cover.
  6. To stretch the pizza, you can use a baking sheet or half a plate mold turned around to make a flat surface.
  7. Grease your dough ball and pan with oil, and then work the dough flat with the help of your fingertips and your stretching technique. I personally love to make it a little oblong or oval. I think it adds some personality to the finished product. Also more surface area on the grill means more barbecue marks and coal.
  8. When your dough is stretched, it is gently put on the grill. You will see that the dough almost instantly begins to bubble and charm.
  9. Use a pliers to gently loosen the dough from the grill and flip it into a quarter to get a nice cross -cutting marking.
  10. When the dough is finely charred, take it off the grill and the barbecue marked side is topped with zucchini and squash.
  11. Sprinkle goat cheese and toasted red pepper in cubes and put the pizza back on the grill.
  12. Give the pizza a quarter turn after a minute or so, and continue cooking.
  13. When the pizza has visible barbecue marks at the bottom, use a pliers to push the pizza over onto a grill.
  14. While on the grate, the basil pesto is added over the top of the pizza.
  15. Add some fresh dill twigs, a few tear romano cheese and a ski extra virgin olive oil.
  16. Cut and enjoy! Good grilling this summer, all together.


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