Why we might be asking for dessert even when we’re full from dinner

Why we might be asking for dessert even when we're full from dinner

You always have room for a sugary treat Marioguti/IstockPhoto/Getty Images Even after eating a big meal, most people can still find space for sweets. Now research in mice shows that the neurons responsible for feelings of fullness are also the ones that trigger sugar cravings. In other words, it seems to be a neurological basis … Read more

Carbon-neutral hydrogen can be produced from agricultural waste

Carbon-neutral hydrogen can be produced from agricultural waste

Pharmacy could be converted into hydrogen fuel Image Bitt/Shutterstock Hydrogen could be manufactured by agricultural waste during a new production process that uses less energy thhan’s existing methods and emits no greenhouse gases. The new process transforms bioethanol into pure hydrogen and acetic acid, a substance found in vinegar used in chemicals, foods and pharmaceutical … Read more

Using common painkillers during pregnancy may increase ADHD risk in children

Crystals of acetaminophen

Microscopic views of paracetamol crystals Henri Koskinen/Shutterstock Children whose mothers used paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, during pregnancy are more likely to develop ADHD than those whose mothers did not suggest a small study. While it is far from crucial, the finding is the competition idea that the widely used Pain Relon Mary affects fetal … Read more

How the XB-1 aircraft became supersonic without a sonic boom

How the XB-1 aircraft became supersonic without a sonic boom

The experimental supersonic aircraft XB-1 Boom Supersonic When the experimental XB-1 aircraft broke the sound barrier three times during his first supersonic flight on January 28, it did not produce a Sonic Boom Audible from Earth, according to the US company Boom Supersonic. “This confirms what we have long thought: Supersonic Travel can be affordable, … Read more

The perfect boiled egg takes more than half an hour to cook

The perfect boiled egg takes more than half an hour to cook

How do you cook your eggs? Daniel Heighton Food Collection/Alamy Cooking a perfectly boiled egg takes at least half an hour, physicists have claimed as they say that the best method of a tasty and nutritious breakfast involves changing the beta -pans with different temperatures repeatedly. As anyone who has been struggled to get an … Read more

London underground mutant mosquito has surprisingly old origin

London underground mutant mosquito has surprisingly old origin

Culex pipiens f. Molestus is a form of mosquito found in cities all over the world Blickwinkel / Alamy Stock Photo A form of mosquito associated with London underground developedTh Century. Culex pipiens f. Molestus Available in cities all over the world, but it became widely known as London Underground Mosquito after World War II, … Read more