There are a handful of situations when you clear Safaris Cookies or Cache – one of the places where Safari saves website data to avoid having to download it again every time you access a site – can help improve your Browser experience.
The first is when sites simply stop working when you have access to them on safari. Maybe Facebook stops updating with new posts, for example, or the pictures on a site don’t appear as they should. If this happens, it is likely that the cache has been destroyed.
Alternatively, if you find that personal info automatically completed on sites is not correct, deletion of cookies can help. These are small files that use to store data about you and what you do on the site.
Even if none of these problems affect you, cleaning browser data can regularly help protect your privacy from snoops who want to find out what you’ve been up to online. That’s why this article explains how to clear Safaris cache and cookies on Mac.
We also have an article explaining how to clear cache on a Mac.
How to clear Safari -Cookies and Cache for Sites
Cleaning of cookies and cache data for individual sites can be performed via Safari’s settings/preferences.
- Open Safari
- Click Safari in the menu at the top of the screen.
- Click Settings or Preferences (Depending on the version of macOS you are driving).
- Go to Privacy The tab.
- Click Manage site data.
- Select Remove all or select sites individually to remove.
Once the data is loaded, you will probably see a long list of sites. You can choose to remove everyone or just select individual sites you want to remove from this list. To select several different sites, you can click one and then press and hold the command key to select another, third, fourth and so on. We recommend that you do not choose hundreds this way; It is better to erase in batches, just in case you have to start over.
If you prefer to pick everyone and then opt out of those you want to keep you can do it. Use command+A to select everyone, then press and hold the command while clicking on any site you are happy to store on this list. Just click Remove Afterwards, not done, as it will just regret all your hard work. There is also a search box you can use to track individual sites.
Remember that deletion of cookies may be removing AutoCompleted Login user names and passwords for sites, and will almost definitely log you out of this site if you have configured it to automatically log in every time you visit.
How to clear Safari -Cache
The Hidden Safari menu can be used to clear just the cache, leaving cookies and browser history in place. This is a very useful diagnostic step to take before removing these two items if a site behaves poorly.
If you just want to clear all your cache you can do that by following these steps:
- Open Safari.
- Click Safari in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Settings/Preferences (Depending on the version of macOS you are driving).
- Click Advanced The tab.
- Check the check box next to Show Development menu in the menu bar or Show features for web developers.
- Now there will be a new development tab in the menu at the top of your screen. Click this.
- Click Empty caches.
Alternatively Click Option + Command + E.

Close any open safari -windows and select Empty caches In the Menu Development. Then click File > New window To start safari with a pure cache.
How to Remove Auto -Wolving Data from AutoFill
Safaris Autofill Tool can fill in the username and password information on sites as well as credit card information and other items such as your address and E -mail details. This can be really useful, but it can also be annoying if the data it fills is incorrect or out of context. It is also a problem when AutoFill enters old or incorrect passwords or e emails and addresses.
You can change this data or delete them by following these steps:
- Open Safari.
- Click Safari menu.
- Click Settings/Preferences.
- Select the AutoFill tab.
- Here you can edit contact information, usernames and passwords, credit cards and other data. Click Edit Next to the category you want to access.
- You must enter your password or use Touch ID to access.

Delete Incorrect Data: If you find out that Safari Autofiller incorrect data about you (for example, your address), click Edit By the side of “Using information from my contacts.” This opens your Contacts app. Your card will be at the top or below my card. You can add and change data about yourself here.
Delete Incorrect Passwords and Site Logins: In versions of Safari before 18.2 you can manage passwords within Safari. If you want to delete incorrect passwords you can click Passwords The tab. If you know which password you want to remove the search for the site or service and then find the older password setting (if there is more than one), then select it, and then click “-” under the column to remove it. You can then choose Delete password. If that means no saved password for this site, you can then restore the mail to the site by clicking Add button. You must first specify the URL -url (that is, something like and then type the username and password together (press the TAB key to move from field to field).
If you use macOS Sequoia or later, site passwords are now managed in the new password app. You need to open this app to delete incorrect passwords. Learn more about the Passwords app (the linked review is about the iPhone version, but it’s the same as macOS). We also cover the Passworks app in the section below.
See: How to Autofilled passwords, bank cards, names and addresses for more.
Delete Login and Passwords System Widen
If you are using a version of MacOS before sequoiaWebsite logins are also available via the Keychain Access app, which you will find in the utilities of the utilities on the application list in Finder, even if you need to be very careful to use this app because it pretty much checks the entire security operation for your Mac! By removing the wrong username and password inputs here, however, you stop almost all of your Mac apps using them and not just Safari.
Just type the name of the site in the search box and look at the list of results for items of that kind Password for web form. Right -click on the mail and select Delete.

Before macos sequoia or later, Apple introduced a new password app. You can find it in the Applications folder. (Keychain Access app still exists but it is hidden. You can find it by doing a spotlight search for “Keychain Access” but when you open it you get a notification that passwords are the preferred way to manage Passwords on.
Type the name of the site in the search box and look at the list of sites that appear. Click the one you want to change and click Edit In the upper right side to change the password or check click on the site and select Delete In the pop-up menu to delete it.

To delete your Chrome or Firefox cache, read cookies or browsing story: How to delete your Mac Browsing story. For alternative web browsers, look at: Best web browser for Mac.