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Khloe Kardashian delved into her love life in the latest episode of her podcast, Khloe in Wonderland.
Or her lack of one, indeed.
The longtime reality star also shed some light on where she stands with horny ex Tristan Thompson, with whom she shares two children – and many remember that he was unfaithful.

“My ex and I are not together anymore, but we are really, really good together. But I’ve chosen not to,” Kardashian told co-host Jay Shetty about dating. “Because I really don’t want to right now. I don’t date because my relationship with my children is everything to me.”
It is true.
Go ahead and look through any celebrity gossip site you’d like — Khloe hasn’t even been rumored to have a lover for quite some time.
“Where I’m at in my life right now, I just really want to nurture this love and I just want to be as present as I can. I don’t want any distractions in my life,” Khloe explained.

Wanted Khloe ever settle down? Sure.
“If I meet someone in two months, two years and I fall in love, that’s great,” she said on the podcast. “But I’m not actively on the dating scene, looking for someone, and I’m so happy.”
The mother of two hasn’t dated in about three years, she added, using this time to focus on herself and what makes her happy as a person. On your own.
Without going into detail, Kardashian cited past trauma as another reason she’s taken this break.

“I had to deal with a lot of trauma to get to this point, like what we talked about at the beginning, don’t discredit the things that brought you to this journey because even though I wouldn’t wish it on anyone what I went through romantically, I’m also not ashamed of anything I’ve been through romantically.
“I think it’s one of my superpowers, and I still have such a soft spot for love and for life.”
Thompson infamously cheated on Khloe when she was pregnant with their first child.
Ex-husband Lamar Odom also slept around and abused drugs during their relationship. It has truly been quite a journey for Kardashian.

Khloe now credits her “faith,” “conversations with God” and her loved ones with helping her realize that the relationship issues she faced had nothing to do with her and everything to do with her partners at the time.
“It was part of my journey, but it wasn’t a reflection of me. I was used for that person to learn life lessons,” she said on air.
“I also feel that because I’m strong enough and my response – like yeah, in the moment if someone did something that wasn’t good to me, I probably didn’t have the best reaction, but afterwards I’ve always handled things with respect and kindness.
“And no matter what anyone did to me, I was never manipulative or tried to do the same back. It’s not an eye for an eye.”